- THE HOUSE OF THE WOLF: P8 - A black ink and black color pencil drawing on a 11 x 14 size coquille board. This drawing combines two chapter heading icons from the book, "THE HOUSE OF THE WOLF'" by Basil Copper; "Fact or Fiction?" and "Selecting a Rifle".
The first record in history, of a "werewolf" appears during the middle ages, in Germany, in 1591. Most people of that time and place lived in small towns near wooded areas. They were ignorant and filled with superstition. In the small town of BedBurg, villagers began to be killed in monstrous ways, their half-eaten body parts found scattered near the woods.
For some time there was a constant fear of going outdoors as more such bodies were found every day, until a small group of villagers gathered enough courage to go out with crude weapons and their dogs, to hunt down who or whatever was committing the horrors.
They caught him! And it turned out to be one of their own, a villager named, Peter Stubbe. This monstrous man would strap a wolf's head over his own, tie pieces of wolf pelt to his body, and go out to lure villagers into the woods with his voice, where he did his unspeakable acts.
But the ignorant and superstitious people began to twist what they heard about the murders when they retold the tale to others. And it didn't take long before Peter Stubbe's name was not even mentioned. Instead, someone refered to the monster-killer as "werewolf," and it stuck! So that's where the werewolf myth began.

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